When it comes to exercise, many patients are misinformed on what is considered enough exercise as well as what the best exercises for weight loss or overall health are. For instance, many people believe that walking on the treadmill every day gives them the ability to eat whatever they would like — and we wish that were true! In reality, it would take hours of walking to burn enough calories to lose weight. Running and walking on the treadmill are forms of aerobic exercise, also known as cardio, and are good for your body, but not as effective as you think.
If your goal is to lose weight or improve your health, your best bet is anaerobic exercises such as resistance training or weight lifting. At Sinclair Healthcare, we provide our patients with general instructions on how to use their time in the gym the most effectively. For instance, when it comes to lifting weights, it is recommended that you choose a weight that you are able to do eight to 12 repetitions with; providing yourself with a challenge but not strenuous enough to hurt yourself with. If you can do more than 12 repetitions, the weight is too light for you, but if you are not able to complete eight reps, then the weight is too heavy. By finding this sweet spot, you can better control your form and gain the most benefit from these exercises.
If you want to incorporate a mix of aerobic exercises (running, walking, or biking) into your routine then it is recommended to do those on a separate day than your anaerobic exercises. Having separate weight-lifting days and cardio days allows your body the time it needs to rest between your weight lifting sessions. Incorporating cardio and anaerobic exercises into your workout routine allows you to build muscle, lose weight, and achieve optimal results.
Remember, exercise is not just an excuse to eat more junk food but is an essential part of improving your health and living a happier, longer life. For more information on exercise or to schedule an appointment, please don’t hesitate to contact us today at (561) 798-2002.